Thursday 3 March 2016

Welcome to my First Post

Hi and welcome all to my first blog, my name is Josh and I will be writing about fitness and healthy eating. I am at University studying Business, but weightlifting (general health and fitness) is something I actively have a passion for.

In my opinion; I feel it is important to combine both fitness and healthy eating as working out is as important as eating healthy. In my blog I will be going through various workout regimes that I currently do and provide advice. I will also go through my eating regime as mines is quite different from the traditional person, as I am a pescatarian (basically, I don’t eat meats apart from fish).

My background, I have kept healthy and fit my full life. I am 20 years old and started weightlifting when I was 16, so currently have been weightlifting for the last 4 years, before weightlifting I done boxing and kickboxing for 3 years (so from the age of 13-16). Previous to this I done a mixture of different sports like athletics, karate and football, however football was the most common sport in my younger years, I played with my friends locally and also for the local football team. I have always enjoyed competitive sports, that is the general appeal and I also enjoy a busy life and trying to achieve my personal best.

Growing up my mum always made me fantastic and healthy meals and this has carried me through different sports as I always have been fuelled with the right ingredients. That is my background in short.

Throughout my experience I wanted to share some of my knowledge that I feel has been useful to me and also effective in my workout routines. Hopefully you will be able to implement or try out parts of my routines and give me feedback to see if it benefited you as the blogs go on.

From my experience, I have realised there is no overnight method to getting into shape, you have to be dedicated and committed to it, furthermore what I have realised and the most important thing I can say is, figure out what works best for you. What I mean by this is, that everyone is different, so it is important for you to find out what works best for you and you’re body.

Hopefully you will find my blog interesting and from my further blogs, I will be going through different topics associated.



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