Thursday 3 March 2016

Fasted Cardio

As winter is fading away and the prospect of summer is looming, we all start to think about our summer bodies, where it be for the holidays or just generally feeling better walking about with less clothing on.

Its 3 months now until June, which is ample time to start getting yourself ready for summer. I currently am coming out of my winter hibernation zone of much enjoyed bulking and its now I start to clean up my diet and implement sufficient cardiovascular activities into my routine.

This blog will be aimed at the topic of cardio, for most people an arduous, but necessary routine. I personally don’t do much cardio over winter, I spend those months consuming more calories and focusing on lifting heavy and gaining muscle. However now my cardio routine will be more of a regular occurrence.

I am a big believer in fasted cardio, this has gave me the best results and when I mention cardio, this is for me, using the treadmill. I will brush up on fasted cardio just in case you have not heard of this before, this is doing you’re cardiovascular activities first thing in the morning before breakfast. This may seem strange, however in the morning there is no food in your stomach, so all the sweating and hard work on the treadmill is more beneficial to you as you’re body doesn’t need to burn away the food first, it just burns away the fat.  

This is also a positive because you are kick-starting you’re metabolism first thing and also clearing away the impending need to do cardio over you the full day, getting it done in the morning allows you to think about and be prepared for the rest of your day.

This mode of cardio is my personal favourite, however the second mode which will be covered in the next blog is my second personal favourite when doing cardio and provides a fantastic and equally great way of getting rid of fat.

Thanks for tuning in,


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